Rework prologue is in progress

I have to say that i read alot of comment that criticize my work bad and good so there's alot of thing that i'm gonna fix 


Dialogue , Gramma

    In this point i can't do much about gramma i know it's bad but this is not my first language hope you guys understand that it's take time to improve

    someone might said that why don't you hire someone to recorrect grammar or use ai to help

cuz i don't have a budget to do in fact that im in debt lol and ai is stupid.. unless u pay for premium whatever and it will turn to Distinguished gentleman

   Dialogue... someone might said that some of conversation is so cringe and yes i'm agree with that and this is so embrassing lol

Cam angle , lightning

    even if i don't see some comment that said cam or lightning is bad i can feel it by my self and i'll fix that in update 0.2


   someone might see that i used to have "Softcore ntr" tag in my game

BUT there's a reason that i use "softcore ntr" and not just "ntr" i don't know have you guys ever heard like "Softcore Pxrn" as i know even if it's call as a "pxrn" but there's no sex in scene

However now that i decide to remove that scene out of my game and i will explain it in the update

Filesize (PC)

    I have to say that i have no clue what resolution in Pc game that i should rezise but pic and video in my game originally is 4k and 1080 in mobile version

someone said that my file is too big for this short content if someone have any advice please have a comment that will help me alot

WELL!! this is all

Thx for everyone that still waiting for update and support my work

every support comment it mean alot to me  please be patient and give it time to improve

Love to everyone -AhiAhi

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